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PostSubject: This is the Main Thread   This is the Main Thread Icon_minitimeTue Sep 22, 2009 9:37 pm

Leon looked up from doodling in his notebook at the teacher. It was the last couple weeks before finals started, and Leon had no intention of paying attention to the class anymore. He had read all the books and the chapters, allowing himself to be farther ahead in the class than the teacher realized. But this, this was just amazing. He could have sworn the delusion of school had actually made his History teacher say the two words he had been waiting for all year.

Field. Trip.

He watched the teacher intently, his pencil not moving anymore, waiting for those two words to reappear. He wasnt disappointed.

"In 3 days time, we will be having a field trip to England, to visit one of the most notableworld wonder, Stonehedge. This will involve a plane ride of course, and a week in England, but Im sure that there are no problems with this. The school has, surpringly, been given a large sum of money by an anonymous source to pay for this exact trip, and the Principal has agreed to send the top 6 students from the histroy department on this trip. Thus, it is my pleasure to announce that Leon Tavolin and Patrick Dube will be representing this class on this trip."

This statement was met with many groans and complaints, but everyone left the classrom with an atmosphere of excitement around them, and headed to their respective busses, cars, or to walk home. Leon however, ignored all that and headed out to the usual spot where he met his friends. They were all in different history classes unfortunately, but since this trip affected the entire history department, he had no doubt that they already knew about it. And they didnt tell him. He sighed, and walked outside behind the school, to the monument behind it.

It was a small park, and the usual spot was under a giant oak tree near the back. He leaned against the oak tree and unzipped his leather jacket, allowing the breeze to cool him off. He closed his eyes and let the breeze run through his hair. Standing 5' 11", Leon wore, along with the jacket, and black tanktop, dark blue jeans, and black steel toed boots, despite the fact that it was almost June in Colorado. Down each of his forearms were tattoo's of Celtic crosses, and hanging around his neck was a pentagram necklace.

Last edited by Leon Tavolin on Sat Oct 03, 2009 1:20 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: This is the Main Thread   This is the Main Thread Icon_minitimeTue Sep 22, 2009 10:56 pm

Patrick was wearing his usual black hoodie, camouflage cargo pants and black skater sneakers, he had his hood up. He sat in the back, napping because it was a boring class. Normally he loved History, but with the finals coming up, he didn't care for class anymore. Then his teacher, Mr. Marshell, said that he and Leon where going to England, it was like he died and gone to heaven. Patrick fell out of his chair when the bell rang. The students left with smiles the famous Leon was leaving abroad, and the "infamous" Patrick was leaving aswell. Patrick got up and grabbed his backpack and skateboard and left the room.

He was rolling down the hall and saw a girl drawing things and 2 loner kind of people in the halls. Patrick was swerving in and out of peoples ways and trying not to get caught again. He grinded the railing along the stairs to get outside. He had made it outside.

He did a sigh of relief since he just got out scotfree. He thought he might as well go to the back of the school, so he started to roll that way. He saw a little kid being bullied by 3 pukes so he moved towards them. "Hey! You 3 pukes! What cha doing to this kid here?" screamed Patrick with a stern look on his face. "None of your damn business freak!" replied one of the pukes who seemed to be the ring leader. " kinda is my business puke, seeing as thats my little bro your picking on." said Patrick taking one step off of his skateboard. "Well, its 3 against 1, what are you gonna do freako!?" screamed the leader. "I'll show you what I'm gonna do." said Patrick with a little smirk, he slowly moved his hand out and it showed a butterfly knife. He flipped the sides and the blade came out. "I'll give you the count of 3 before I give you all," Patrick paused and took 1 step closer. "a" continued Patrick, taking another step closer. "nice" one more step. "little" 1 more step. "makeover~" said Patrick with a wide grin, towering over the 3 kids.

The 3 kids had just wet their pants in fear of there life. The little boy walked up to him. "Why did you protect me Patrick?" said the little boy, scared and shaking. "Because I don't like it when people gang up on the weak and in unfare advantage. Besides, I'm going away for a while and I want someone to look after it." said Patrick with a smile, puting away his blade back in his back pocket. The little kid smiled and ran off to his father and mother, Patrick made his way to the back of the school. He saw Leon at the old oak tree. Patrick made his way over and stood about 8 feet away from him. "Hiya Greaser..." said Patrick as he folded his arms. "Whats up?" said Patrick as he put his backpack on the ground.
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Matt Valentine
Matt Valentine

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PostSubject: Re: This is the Main Thread   This is the Main Thread Icon_minitimeTue Sep 22, 2009 11:32 pm

Meanwhile further down the hall another history class were just being informed off the trip to go and see stonehenge. A Teenaged boy, Matt Valentine was sitting at the back of the class listening to the teacher rattle on for what has been two hours so far. He's wearing his usual style of clothing really; a pair of dark blue jeans with a blood red belt, A baggy long-sleeved black top with a red tanktop underneath it. He was also wearing his favourite pair of black converse.

Mr Sim was always so cool. He had taught Matt for years in a few different classes so they were pretty tight. He always let him off whenever Matt did something wrong like "forgetting" to do his homework. In the beginning they werent exactly the best of friends. Matt never did his homework, the teacher responded by punishing him and Matt hated him for it. In the end to get in his good books, Matt knuckled down, while working harder, he also started doing his homework eventhough it bored the hell out of him.

The teacher took a step away from his small circular wooden desk and cleared his throat. It was obvious that he was about to address the whole class.

"Alright, Settle Down. Class i have an announcement to make. We have, well when i say we i mean a group of students will be sent on a field trip to see the famous stonehenge in the UK. Two students have been chosen from each class and out of our class they are; Stacy and...Matt"

He continued to talk about the trip, going into great detail but Matt soon stopped listening. He looked over towards Stacy's seat and their eyes met. He looked her up and down before showing any reaction. Hmm she's fine. Wait what time is it? Matt leaned backwards in his chair, trying to get a better view of the clock that was at the opposite end of the room to him. There was a loud crash as his chair hit the back wall. He quickly made a desperate dash to other side of the room to leave.

"And where do you think your going Mr. Valentine......hmm?" He asked.

"Out." Matt calmly replied.

"Sit down!" He shouted, his face turning red at his calm reply.

FUCKIN HELL MAN! In a fit of rage, Matt launched his bag over towards his seat and walked back to his seat, pushing desks out of his way as he walked. Seconds later his ass hit the plastic base of the chair with a thud as his sat down. The teacher told a few other students to rearrange their desks, paperwork and etc that had fallen of their desks onto the ground due to Matt, and continued to talk about the trip.

"Mr Sim?" A nerdy looking jerk quizzed.

"Put your hand down, dick!" Matt snapped while kicking a desk into his side, causing him to wince in pain.

"Yes, Frederick?" he asked.

"Nothing Sir" Frederick replied while looking at Matt. At this point Matt was staring him out, you could tell that Frederick had become very nervous and uncomfortable by this. Suddenly there was a large buzzing sound which escalated in loudness before going off a few minutes later. He flashed him a quick smile.

"Saved By The Bell!" Matt picked up all this shit and left the room. As he was walking through the hall, a few students turned to watch him. He silently stared back at them. A kid wearing a black hoody shot past on a skateboard. His hood was covering the top half of his face so Matt didnt really recognise him. Matt stared at him as they went past each other.

Carrying on down the hall he barged into another kid but didnt notice who he was. This kid had started to follow him further down the hall. I guess he wants to start something. Matt dropped his bag to the floor and kicked it aside. He rolled up his sleeves, the word "Quake" could now be seen tatooed on the inside of his left forearm. Matt tilted his head to the side and then to the other, cracking his neck. He turned round, the other guy stopped short of him.

"What?" Matt shouted at this guy. He was wearing some greasy looking short-sleeved top. The man even had the nerve to square up to him. Matt stood infront of him staring into his eyes face to face.

"Im Gonna Drop You Blood! Do You Know That? He spat in his Matt's face.

"Try It" Matt put pressure on the guy's head by leaning towards him. Matt already knew what the guy was about to do. He took a few steps away from him ready to punch him in the face. It was clear to Matt that this guy had no idea what he was getting himself into. Matt headbutted the guy making him stumble backwards. Looking down at the floor, he wiped the blood of his face.

Matt grabbed him by his shirt and pinned him to the nearby steel lockers. "Nothing survives a quake. remember that!" After that, Matt pushed him aside and rushed outside making sure he would be able to find a place to hang out.

Once outside he clambered up the side of a tree and sat on one of its branches, letting his leg hang over the side. He glanced across the area, watching a group of people.

Last edited by Matt Valentine on Thu Sep 24, 2009 3:59 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Daniel Wallis

Daniel Wallis

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PostSubject: Re: This is the Main Thread   This is the Main Thread Icon_minitimeWed Sep 23, 2009 12:06 am

Daniel sat in the class daydreaming and reading a manga he had stuffed into his history book. what was the point of readying with the class if he had all the information listening to the spazzy excuse for a teacher. He had just turned the page when he heard his name. "Yeah uh i lost my place so could we move to the next person please?" Daniel was glared at by all the other students before he looked up to see his teacher looming over him. "Daniel i was talking about a class trip we finished class two minutes ago." Daniel grinned sheepishly as the teacher lifted his comic book from his history book. Daniel snatched it from her and said "What trip?"

A few minutes later the class was dismissed and Daniel had been completely embarrassed. he made his way outside walking past Leon before making a U-turn and running up the tree and catching a limb. he pulled himself up quickly to his usual perch before pulling a cylinder out of his bookbag. he opened it revealing the hidden blades and pulled out a sharpener. he called down to Leon while continuing to sharpen the blade on his left. "Oi Leon you going on this trip or do i get a few days away from your ugly ass?" Daniel knew the answer to this question so he tuned leon out until the bus arrived.

In his mind Daniel daydreamed about being in his favorite anime. he fantasized aboutrunning people through. one of his characters stabbed at him and he caught the offenders arm in his left hand and lopped it off with his right before he heard the bus pull in. Daniel shook his head and replaced his twin swords in his backpack. he noted how much it looked like a toy which is why he had been able to get it into his school but remembered just how much he had wanted to run Leon through with it once before.

this is the blade he has
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Laura Grace
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Laura Grace

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PostSubject: Re: This is the Main Thread   This is the Main Thread Icon_minitimeWed Sep 23, 2009 7:27 pm

Swish Laura flicked the hair out of her eyes again. Her light blue eyes stared at the blank sheet of paper in front of her. History was truly the most boring class on the earth. A whole bunch of words and dates that she could never remember about something that happened years ago; couldn't they focus on something in the present?

Of course, when she presented it to the principle, he just stared at her then sent her away. He called her crazy. Crazy. Ha. That made her laugh.


Laura blinked and lowed her hand that was holding her bangs up. They fell into their normal position in front of her eyes. Sighing, she slowly placed her pencil to paper and started sketching. The classroom was buzzing about something or another while the teacher idly watched them. Nothing out of the ordinary as she keep drawing the unfamiliar face on the paper. Her eyes lifted up when the teacher started talking again.

Even if she sucked at history, Laura was no trouble maker. She preferred staying out of trouble and just going along with life. This, for some odd reason reminded her that she had work today.

‘ I’ll have to go right after school… Do I have gas? Man, good thing I get my pay check. The Landlord needs the rent by Friday for this month. Can’t let that slip. She’s been so easy on me since school started..’ She thought, only half listening to the teacher who rambled on about some field trip they were taking. Probably to some boring, musky museum.

“...We’ll be headed to Stonehenge in England…” Laura stopped mid-line and dropped her pencil. Stonehenge? England? No way would she be able to afford it, but man, she wanted to go.

“From some unknown source, the school has received money to pay for the trip. Only 6 students will be able to go; they will be the top 6 students from the history department. From this class, Laura Grace has been chosen. Congrats, Laura. Now, turn in your textbooks…” Laura tuned the teacher out as she stared at the wall.
She was going to England? Her insides started jumping and her eyes lit up like candles. She hadn’t had a vacation in months. Not since she left Arizona, after the incident.

This reminded her again, that she needed to send a postcard to her mom…

And with that, her mind wandered blankly until the bell rang. Standing up and getting her books, she grabbed her bag and walked out the classroom, only to be met with a wild blur of black and camouflage.
“KYA!” She squeaked, as she stumbled back and landed on the ground. ’owwie… that really hurt…Who was that jerk?!’ Laura scrambled up and turned to walk away, when she ran into Andrew. She could feel the blush creeping up her face already. Had he seen her fall?

“ Uh…um…Hi Andrew..” She said, voice starting to crack. Laura mentally slapped herself. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! You sounded so weird right then!

“ Hey, how’s it going…” He lifted his hand in a waving motion, then glanced around like he couldn’t remember something. Probably her name. Laura mentally sighed. Andrew would never know it, so why should she try.
Instead of waiting to see if he remembered, she just went around him and walked away, pondering why she liked someone like Andrew.

Clutching her books tighter, she grimaced. She knew why. He was gorgeous. Dark coca brown eyes, long shaggy blonde hair, with dark brown streaks behind the top layer. Not to mention, he was such a great trumpet player. How many guys have highlights AND can play trumpet? Only Andrew…But it was a worthless fight.

He and that slut, Maria, were on each other like flies are to honey. It’s sickening really. Laura sighed, as she kept walking down the halls. Jumping down the steps outside, she past a group of guys hanging out in the park. Glancing at them, she recognized the one who barreled past her on the skateboard. Sending a nonexistent glare, she past them all, not really looking. Laura plugged in her iPod and started walking home to the beat of Fall Out Boy.
Besides Andrew, if she could, Laura would be all over Pete Wentz.
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Steven McGrath
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Steven McGrath

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PostSubject: Re: This is the Main Thread   This is the Main Thread Icon_minitimeThu Sep 24, 2009 12:00 pm

As usual, Steven had managed to escape his history lesson to attend his swimming practice, mainly due to the fact he'd already passed all his modules before the teacher had even gotten to them, he was doing excellent on his own so he obviously didn't need any guidance, even if they did ship him off all the way from England for some exchange programme cause of this.

He shook his head, his long hair thrashing around and splashing any excess hair off him, despite being somewhat of a geek, Steven was actually pretty athletic and this caused him to gain a greater popularity with people in the school for his contribution to the team... it also helped that he was living with Leon, who happened to be quite popular himself from the start.

Steven looked up from drying himself off to see a young girl staring at him, who at this point is still topless, he just gave a smile and continued doing what he was doing until she muttered something that caught his attention.

"what did you just say!?" he questioned her quite panicingly before calming down and letting her continued.

She seemed quite nervous around him for some reason, and after that reaction it was quite obvious why, but never the less, she carried on to clearly say, "You've been invited along for the field trip to Stonehenge, England by the history department, I was sent her to tell you".

Steven nodded briefly and cracked a big smile, finally he had a chance to go back to his homeland, it's not that he didn't like being here, he was just being homesick for quite some time now and needed to be back on his own soil, undoubtedly planning some sort of escape once they landed.

The young girl quickly ran off after she'd finished the message and Steven got dressed and tried to push through the hussle of the busy corridor, as he did, Patrick caught his eye, being his usual self by skateboarding down the hall, no matter how many times he'd been told, but Steven was still too excited about the big news that he'd be returning home soon.
He looked around as if this would be his last time being here, well atleast that's what he'd hoped upon, he didn't quite enjoy spending more time in school due to different school systems and such.

He quickly made his way out of the school, heading over to the usual spot where he'd meet with the gang, looking around the corner he already knew he'd be the last one there and that there'd be some ridicule about the slowness on his behalf. He sighed lightly as he went around the corner and waved to them, "Sup guys!", he smiled and made his way over to them and leant against a wall.
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PostSubject: Re: This is the Main Thread   This is the Main Thread Icon_minitimeThu Sep 24, 2009 4:45 pm

Leon just looked at Steven rolling his eyes before turning to Pat.

"Greaser? Dude, you got Outsiders on the brain? I get that you loved the book, but still, thats like, the 1960s. Get with the times dude. And dont pull a knife on little kids. It makes me look bad, Leon said with a grimance.

Looking at Steven, Leon smirked sarcastically. Yknow, for the fastest 100 free swimmer in the entire state, you really are quite slow out of water. Maybe you shoulda been born a fish."

Leon stretched and stood up, standing under the tree. "I can never understand why people want to go live in the city, looking at country like this." He sighed and picked up his backpack, dusting his jacket off on the way and ran a hand through his hair. Looking up, he grimanced slightly before smiling big and whispering out the side of his mouth.

"Look out Steven, groupies. Pat, just slowly back away. Gotta keep my reputation."

And that was true. Inside school Leon was the perfect person. Good grades, star distance runner of the school, very polite and courteous, rode a motorcycle, teachers pet, you name it.

Out side of school howeverm Leon was a wild card. Cold, calm, cool, almost to the point of being rude. But he could switch faces in a minute, confusing people so much, they forgot even why they were mad at such a perfect teenager.

He hated having to put up that front, but he wouldnt have been able to make it throug high school otherwise. His uncle told him he needed to graduate, and that was all Leon needed. You dont deny the request of a man in charge of one of the most powerful groups in the world.

Finally, 30 minutes later, Leon managed to chase off the girls, and in the process obtained 4 phone numbers, which he already have. Sighing, he tore them up and looked around.

"Well, we might as well get going, its getting dark out. Pat, behave. No more knives on little kids. I dont wanna hafta beat you up again for something retarded. Lets go Steve, my bike needs a tune up."

Looking at Pat, Leon had an idea. "Pat, you can help if you want. I have the side car attached to the bike today, for mine and Steves books. He wanted to try a hand at my old bike. He didnt to bad."

Without waiting for a response, leon headed toward the parking lot, groaning internally at the squeals as he smiled or nodded to a girl.
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PostSubject: Re: This is the Main Thread   This is the Main Thread Icon_minitimeThu Sep 24, 2009 7:35 pm

Patrick laughed sarcastically. "The Outsiders was a good book! I mean...Ponyboy was awesome and such!" exclaimed Patrick as he looked around the corner. Patrick saw Steven leaning on the wall. "Dude..we gotta jet..groupies at 12 o'clock.." said Patrick waving his hands infront of both Steven and Leon.

The 3 of them ran for 30 minutes to get away from Leon's groupies. Patrick, scared some of them off, by pouring gasoline on the ground, and lighting it on fire, sending a giant wall of flames on the ground. This amused Patrick alot.

Leon asked if Patrick wanted to go help fix his bike with Steven, Patrick thought about it, and didn't really want his hood or pants to get oil spots on. "Sorry man, I'll pass on that 'nice' offer you have, but I really gotta get home, have to do?" he said with a awkward smirk. He started to role the other way from Leon and Steven. He waved goodbye and he rolled down about 6-7 blocks from where they had lost the groupies.

Patrick walked to the back yard, that was covered in burned patches of grass, and he walked in through the backdoor. Patrick walked into his house, with a screaming mother, and a drunk father. Patrick, like always, ignored them both. He made himself a quick supper and he went to his bedroom, in the basement. Patrick tossed his school bag and skateboard into a chair next to his bed. Patrick went straight onto his computer and started to talk to some people in a chatroom.

Around 9 p.m. Patrick logged off and went outside, where he then climbed his roof and laid backed and looked at the stars. He pulled out his cell phone and dialled up someone, he talked to someone for atleast 2 hours. Patrick had slipped off the roof and sneaked back into the house. Patrick then slide into bed.
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Matt Valentine
Matt Valentine

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PostSubject: Re: This is the Main Thread   This is the Main Thread Icon_minitimeThu Sep 24, 2009 8:15 pm

Matt leaned against the cold, brown bark of the large tree in which he lay. He took out two of his favourite books; Eclipse [from the twilight saga] and Loveless [a book of poems]. There was just something about the world of vampires and the cleverly written poems of the past that intrigued him.

He began to read the prologue of Loveless out loud, Matt wasn't bothered about what the members of school thought about him so he just did whatever he wanted to do really.

"When the war of the beasts brings about the world’s end
The goddess descends from the sky
Wings of light and dark spread afar
She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting"

Matt stopped reading after that as something in the distance caught his eye....A group of youths, maybe the same age as him seemed to be being chased by a group of teenaged girls. After watching them run away for a few minutes, he packed his stuff away and jumped down from the tree.

Light....Flames....Matt couldn't help but watch as one of the youths created a large fire fuelled by Gasoline, which seemed to scare the group of girls into leaving them alone. With a shrug, he took out Loveless and began reading it as he continued on in the direction of his house.

"MATT!" A familar voice seemed to appear out of nowhere. He turned around to see who was calling him, he couldnt tell who exactly she was but she was quickly catching up to him. He waited to see who she was.

It's Stacy!

"Matt, trip?" She asked while trying to catch her breath back.

"I might, i havent decided. Are you?" He quickly replied, wanting to go home instead of wasting time talking to her.

"Yeah.....i am........" She went quiet after that and they both continued strolling down the road. Stacy and Matt have been neighbours since he moved here from London, England. Stacy was always arguing with her parents. Day in, Day out. Matt figured that it was rough and a difficult life for her. They never spoke of it or out school well not much anyway. His bedroom window is opposite her bedroom window and yet they never really speak. They'll wave to each other when they catch each other by the window.
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Daniel Wallis

Daniel Wallis

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PostSubject: Re: This is the Main Thread   This is the Main Thread Icon_minitimeThu Sep 24, 2009 8:33 pm

Daniel leapt from the tree before withdrawing his blades again. the state of his school and the surrounding neighborhood had gone downhill lately and he was taking no chances. he pulled the blades apart and connected them and the bottom of their handles. as he strolled towards home he whirled the blades about entertaining himself as he went.

He arrived at home a few minutes later and dropped his bag by the door before heading upstairs and flopping on his bed. he left his blades by the door while he reached across his bed to open his internet. it began to drizzle slightly and the calming sound of the rain put his mood in place for him. he turned on The Servant's Cells and laid back staring at his ceiling. a few hours later his father called him downstairs for dinner. "So what'd you manage to burn this time dad?" he asked waving smoke from his face as he entered the kitchen.

His father meanwhile stood at the stove in a goofy hat and an apron that said kiss the cook. Danny shook his head and grabbed a soda before settling down on the couch and explaining the trip to his hard of hearing father. He had never met his mother, at least not that he could remember. He did however keep a picture of her in his wallet. after eating and explaining (at the same time) he headed up to his room to start packing. he unscrewed his blades and put them together before placing them in his packed bag.

(OOC: Before you guys ask checked luggage can contain items that shouldn't be on the plain where you can reach it. Hint hint Patrick)
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Laura Grace
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Laura Grace

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PostSubject: Re: This is the Main Thread   This is the Main Thread Icon_minitimeThu Sep 24, 2009 11:49 pm

" Bye-bye, Mr. Jones! Have a nice evening! Thank you for the check! " Laura waved and grinned to the older man. She worked at his convinace store every afternoon, from after school to about 8 oclock at night.

Laura shrugged her jacket on, as she skipped down the steps that lead to the street. It was dark already; night starting to fall early today. Tucking her check in her purse, Laura walked down the deserted street. The street lights above her flickered as the sky grew darker. Her feet scraped the ground lightly, as she walked briskly down the sidewalk.

When she got her apartment, she stopped and marveled at it. It wasn't much. An old brick building that had 5 apartments and two floors. Mrs. Ortiz, the landlady, was an elderly women. She owns the building who she inherited it from her father, and takes up the first apartment, 1A. Laura lived in apartment 2A, on the first floor. Sometimes, for extra money, Laura would help Mrs. Ortiz with help, by cleaning out the front or working in Mrs. Ortiz's mini garden in the back. (Which was just some potted flowers)

Anyway, two other people live in the building. One was a lone indian man, who doesn't come out much. The other, a old man who hits on Mrs. Ortiz all the time. Laura, for a while, thought they were married, until Mrs. Ortiz cleared that up. Laura sighed and walked through the rusted gate and walked up to her old, wooden door. The fake, golden " 2A " was slightly bent and hanging on one nail. Laura got her key out and walked in. Her book bag fell to the floor, along with her purse, after she walked in and shut the door. Locking it, she sighed and walked to her makeshift bedroom/kitchen/living room. Her apartment was two roomed, one being a bathroom.

Laura had a mattress in the corner and a small table next to it. The table had various things on it: colored pencils, paints, brushes, crayons, pastels, charcol. Stuff like that. Sheets of paper, used and un used, littered the floor as Laura tip-toed around them. Next to that, was a medium sized refigurator. Inside, was as bare as the apartment. Some milk (may be spoiled), eggs (same), and leftover pizza from the other night. (Pretty sure thats good.)

' i should really clean up before i leave..' Laura sighed. Sitting down on her bed, she yawned and layed back.

She'd do her homework later.

It'd take forever to get things cleaned.
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Steven McGrath
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Steven McGrath

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PostSubject: Re: This is the Main Thread   This is the Main Thread Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 10:09 am

"tsk" thought Steven, having to put up with the constant squeels of the Leon fanclub did get abit tedious after a while, "ohwell, might aswell give them a nice jog around while they're here 'ey Leon" He laughed, slowly beginning to step back awaiting the chases which lasted about half an hour.

Leon and Steve got onto the bike and headed back to where they were staying, to continue the usual daily routine, which consisted of Steven cooking dinner for them while Leon sat and drank beer while watching something on TV, not like he could really argue about it, I mean Leon's uncle was the one who set up for him to live there and the whole exchange programme even... though Steven was never 100% sure about what it was his uncle did, the last time he actually asked; Leon throw a knife at him which only just missed his head. He'd rather not take his chances again.

After everything was done for the day they both headed off to sleep where-ever they dropped really, though Steven was way too excited about the fact he was going home to sleep normally, he just kept thinking to himself "oh my god, I don't believe this" like it was a dream that he couldn't snap out from. After a while he finally dropped off into a deep slumber, he'd melted his brain with the constant repeating of thoughts perhaps.

~Time Skip (Day of the Trip)~

Steven Yawned as he sat up and stretched, "Today is the day" he thought, He quickly double checked his packing before grabbing a randomly placed baseball from the floor and launching it at Leon's bedroom door with some force.

"Oi! wake up, the plane leaves in about..." He stopped and looked at his watch before continuing "...3 hours, we're gonna be late if you don't hurry!". He did his usual morning routine and grabbed his bags and waited at the front door with a big grin on his face, awaiting Leon, who undoubtably forgot to pack beforehand.

He just sighed happily and looked up at the bright blue sky and began to be entranced by it.

Last edited by Steven McGrath on Fri Sep 25, 2009 10:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: This is the Main Thread   This is the Main Thread Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 3:46 pm

Leon groaned and just ignored Steven, jumping around the room and grabbing a suit case. He threw some clothes in there and zipped it up, opening the window and throwing it at Steven, as his room was facing the front door. Without looking to see if it was caught, or if it hit him, Leon quickly grabbed a couple school books to keep up the smart appearance, his cellphone and charger, his iPod, and a few more random items, along with some bathroom supplies, knowing Steven probably forgot that one.

Walking outside, Leon grabbed his suitcase and bag, and threw them in the side car, along with Stevens stuff. Pulling his biking gloves over his hands, Leon tossed a set of keys at Steven.

"Those are for the C50 Special Edition. Your a good enough rider to not crash it. Otherwise I may need to kill you," Leon said, pausing to look at Steven coldly for a moment before putting his helmet on.

Jumping on his bike, a Suzuki M109R, Leon revved up in the garage, before turning and hitting the streets, heading to the airport. They would be able to make it within the hour easily, as every cop had his license plate number and bike model, and rarely stopped him on the road. Well, unless his uncle told them to. And even then that was to tell him that he needed to see his uncle.

----Time Skip, 1 hour----

Pulling into the airport, Leon parked his bike and headed over to where the guide hoisting a giant sign saying "Colorado High School Europe group" was waiting, not even checking to see where Steven was, but grabbing all the bags anyways. Effortlessly he hoisted them on one shoulder, noting that Stevens bag was excessively heavier then his, and sat down behind the guide, politely greeting her, and noting that the guide did not even know their schools name.

Why do they not know our schools name, if we recieved such a tidy sum of money for this trip? Leon wondered, before shrugging and checking his name off the attendance list.


For future reference, the top bike is Steves, the bottom one is mine.
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PostSubject: Re: This is the Main Thread   This is the Main Thread Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 11:49 pm

Patrick didn't even sleep, he stayed up half of the night getting ready for the flight, he had packed up his things and walked down to the front door, he had then put his knife, in his luggage so noone would take it. Patrick had "borrowed" his mothers car keys and his dads wallet, Patrick didn't tell them that he was going away, instead he left a note saying "he's going out for a week, don't wait up for dinner!", thats what the note said. Patrick got in his moms shitty car, he didn't know what it was, he just cared that it took him from point A to point B. Patrick pulled out of the drive way at 7:25, 35 minutes before his parents woke up.

1 hour later

He had arrived at the air port early, the tour guide lady had just got out of her car. Patrick greeted her with a smile and went inside to get a breakfast, since he didn't eat. When he got back, Steven and Leon where there and talking to the lady. Patrick smirked, knowing they didn't see him. Patrick walked over to them and nodded. "Howdy you 2, how was the bikes?" said Patrick with a smirk. Seperating their bags and other effects. Patrick had brought a cd player and a millitary bag (thats what he had for a suitcase) and a small carryon filled with junk food. He also had his own wallet in there, but he also had his dads wallet. Patrick smiled and played Black Friday Rule by Flogging Molly on a high volume.


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Matt Valentine
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PostSubject: Re: This is the Main Thread   This is the Main Thread Icon_minitimeSat Sep 26, 2009 12:01 pm

Matt put his bag over his head. He was now fully prepared for the trip. This trip better be worth it.....

Re-organising his playlist, Matt put his earphones in and left his house, walking over towards his bike that was parked on the side of the road. Bring Me To Life by Evanescence starting playing. It brought a smile to Matt's face. When reaching his bike, he leapt into it. With a turn of a key, He was soon halfway down the road.

He mouthed the words to the song while he headed to the airport. Matt decided to go on the longest route to the airport. Theres no rush.... He always loved riding his motorbike but didnt do it often so he wanted to cherish the moment.

After about an long hour....

Matt had expected everyone to be waiting for him to arrive but there was no one around. He pulled into the carpark and got off his bike. Walking slowly into the airport, he made sure his keys were securely in his pocket he carried on. Where is everyone.... Matt approached the help desk to find out what's going on.

The woman behind the counter spoke before he could even ask a question. "Hello, are you here for the Stonehenge field trip?" Matt replied with a nod. "Okay then, follow me....." She clambered over the desk and led Matt to a tunnel on the eastern side of the airport. There was an ear- peircing sound that was only getting louder.

"Whats that noise?"

"What noise?" She paused for a moment "Ow that. That's the plane......"

Matt always seemed to have better hearing than most people. Normal sounds were usually "too" loud. He couldn't stand sounds like ticking clocks. The noise would echo throughout his brain.

However they were just reaching the end of the tunnel. There was one of the teachers from school waiting at the plane's entrance ticking of peoples names. "Cross Matt's name of the list" The one said to the other. Matt walked past them and got on the plane. It surprised him, that everyone was already sitting on the plane. He quickly spotted and empty sit and sat down. He turned up his ipod while waiting for the journey to begin.


OOC: I skipped the whole breakfast part......I'll edit if need be but i just did it to save time so w.e

OOC: My character will also ride a motorcycle when travelling lost distances.

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Daniel Wallis

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PostSubject: Re: This is the Main Thread   This is the Main Thread Icon_minitimeSat Sep 26, 2009 12:52 pm

Dan awoke to the familiar sound of his alarm clock screaming. he rolled out of bed onto his feet and walked downstairs in his underwear. He located his father on the couch and gave his shoulder a quick shove accompanied by his usual "Dad wake up." Afterward he trudged back upstairs and dressed himself. Tight black jeans accompanied a white t-shirt with a black fishnet shirt over it. he topped the whole outfit off with a black denim jacket he had to custom order.

He remembered the day vividly because he had had to reassure the person behind the counter several times that black was indeed the color he wanted. he grabbed his bag and headed downstairs to where his father stood. after a long drive and several reassurances that he would come back and that this was not him planning to disappear they arrived at the airport. Dan got out of the car and took the long trip through security after checking his bag.

when he finally got on the plane Daniel groaned at the thought of having to share close quarters with anyone for as long as this plane ride was going to be. after the teacher showed him that he would be sitting next to Laura however, his mind was quickly changed at the prospect of a cutie sitting next to him.
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Laura Grace
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PostSubject: Re: This is the Main Thread   This is the Main Thread Icon_minitimeSat Sep 26, 2009 5:04 pm

Laura rolled off of her mattress at 5:00 A.M. Groaning she sighed and sat up, and stumbled into the shower. She had went to be early to get some good sleep, but just ended up painting a picture of the night sky.

The hot water scorned her body as she stood silently. Laura was somewhat insomniac; sleeping was never something she could do for more than a few hours. Her eye blinked the waters out of her eyes and let it slide over her face. Her sleeping problems weren't much to her, but to a normal person, they'd never survive. Laura ran her fingers through her damp hair as she steped onto the cold, tile floor of her bathroom. Of course, even if it was a true problem, her insomnia, it wasn't like she could really afford something like medicinces.

Yawning, but not feeling tired, Laura changed into her clothes for the day. She had never been on a plane, but guessed it was something like a car. Pulling on a white short skirt, she put some light blue leggings under it. Shuffling through her drawers, she pulled out a while tank top, that she had previously tie-dyed in a fashion desginer stage. It was dyed with soft yellow, blue and pinks in circular motions. She slid it on and started to work on her hair.

Long, blond, and annoying. Her blood-shot eyes groggly blinked, still asleep even after the shower. Sighing, she didn't feel like working with the mess, so she ran a brush through it and tied it up. Looking at the clock on her table, it blinked with " 6:30 " in big red letters.

' ..Time to go..I'm so excited. ' She thought, eyes becoming brighter. Slipping on her worn Vans, she grabbed up her duffle bag and her bigger-than normal purse. Her purse would be her carry on. Grinning, she jumped in her old car and cranked it up. Backing out, she turned on " Saturday " by Fall Out Boy.


Walking inside, she stood quietly as they searched her bags in security and let her in. Looking around, she spoted the sign that said, " Colorado High School Trip " Wow. Not even a name?

Lameee. Shurging it off, she stood with the others. Looking around, she stopped a tall blond guy talking to a blacked haired guy. They seemed close. Others arrived soon enough, and they headed to the plane to leave. Laura found her seat and sat next to the window. She loved to look at bright skys. Laura's obsseion was with the way the sun made everything glow.

Light was one of Lauras favorite things. It wasn't like she was afriad of the dark, but she just perfered the light. It made her feel warm and calm. Laura looked up when a tall boy her age stopped at her row of two seats. Frowning, she looked down alittle when she saw his griminace on his face. Well soorrrrry... geez. Is he from my school? I've never seen him before... Laura glanced over at him, and blinked. He seemed familar somehow. His eyes were slightly darker than hers, but they looked like her mothers.

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Steven McGrath
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Steven McGrath

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PostSubject: Re: This is the Main Thread   This is the Main Thread Icon_minitimeSat Sep 26, 2009 9:38 pm

"ugh" was all that went through Steven's mind as he went from being entranced to the bright blue sky to being hit in the face by Leon's suitcase. He sighed and brushed himself off and grabbed the bike from the garage and revved it up, to his amazement Leon seemed to actually trust him enough to let him ride this bike... though it did come with this typical death threat if something should happen to it.

Before he knew it he was off on his ride to catch up with Leon, though knowing he'd only fail.


Arriving at the airport he saw the guide, in normal guide fashion trying to look like she had a clue about the trip at all. He just Shrugged it off and parked the bike and headed off to sit by Leon, not long before Paddy came along with his bag of junk food. "He always was good for that kinda stuff" he thought to himself with a small smile on his face.

Not long after arriving where they all sent to the plane, which on the outside looked quite shabby in Steven's opinion, but ohwell he was fine as long as it made it there in one piece. He grabbed his seat, which happened to be next to Paddy surprisingly, he was somewhat expecting it to be Leon since that's how things always seemed to end up for some unknown reason, "whatever" he thought, grabbing a book from his bag and starting to read it but stopped as he saw a young looking blonde girl walk onto the plane, thinking as to where he knew her from he continued to read the rather large book about myths and legends across the globe. And in no time the pilot could be heard telling the passengers to fasten their seatbelts... "blah blah blah" was all that crossed his mind as he drowned them out with his book and they finally set off onto their field trip, or Steven's escape plan as it may be.
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PostSubject: Re: This is the Main Thread   This is the Main Thread Icon_minitimeSun Sep 27, 2009 6:57 pm

Leon sat down on the plane, noticing that he wa sitting down next to.. Matt. That was his name. From what Leon had seen, he also rode a bike, and was fairly decent at it. This plane ride might not be as boring as originally thought.

Turning to Matt, he tried to strike up a conversation, starting with asking about his bike. If all went well, this could actually make the whole ride seem a lot less long.
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PostSubject: Re: This is the Main Thread   This is the Main Thread Icon_minitimeSun Sep 27, 2009 7:29 pm

Patrick took out a bag of chips and handed it over to Steven. "Here you go." said Patrick as he took out gummy worms, he had around 10 bags of gummy worms with him, hoping they last the flight. He eat 2 gummy worms at a time. He eat more until nothing was left in the little gummy worm bag. "Dammit...they won't last this long" mumbled Patrick as he took out headphones and put his music on. He slowly dozed off as he put I f---ing hate you on by Godsmack.
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Matt Valentine
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PostSubject: Re: This is the Main Thread   This is the Main Thread Icon_minitimeSun Sep 27, 2009 8:03 pm

Matt watched as Leon walked by and sat next to him. He silently watched Leon and then took out loveless and began reading. Thinking he was only mouthing the words of poem because of his ipod playing a near enough full volume in his ears, his "mouthing" was in fact now whispering.

"Infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddess
We seek it thus, and take it to the sky
Ripples form on the water’s surface
The wandering soul knows no rest"

After reading it, he paused and noticing Leon looking at his book he whispered "Loveless Act 1".

It was obvious that because he had spoken to Leon, He thought Matt could hear what he was saying. He watched Leon attempt to strike up conversation and talk to him. Matt was no lip reader but he caught the odd few words, in an attempt at a reply he stringed together the words and replied. "Yeah i ride. Not often though" Watching to see if he gave the right answer, he watched Leon's reaction.

Leon began asking him about his bike or rather Matt though he did so he just randomly told him things about it such as its top speed, how many miles it did to the gallon and that its a one of a kind motorcycle imported from Japan.

Quickly getting bored of attempting to lip read, With one hand matt turned his ipod up and with the other he brought the book closer to his face. This was as well a signal for Leon to stop talking for a while.
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Daniel Wallis

Daniel Wallis

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PostSubject: Re: This is the Main Thread   This is the Main Thread Icon_minitimeSun Sep 27, 2009 10:57 pm

(OOC: Laura we're gonna try something different alright? I'm gonna mention a side trip to a graveyard to visit my grandfather's grave and you'll recognize the name there and we'll do our chat)

Daniel slept most of the trip after drawing several unique ideas for custom swords. he awoke however when they landed in england. he waited impatiently for the hoards of people to get off before getting up and following their group off the now quieting plane. in the hallway his senses were assaulted by shouting and idle chatter as people waited for their planes and others filed to the baggage claim areas.

about a half an hour later every one had been loaded into a pair of vans destined for the hotel they would call home for the week. he passed the chaperone that had accompanied them and was given a room key and told his room was on the second floor. Daniel nodded sleepily and trudged up to his room opening the door and letting it close behind him as he flopped onto the bed.
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Laura Grace
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Laura Grace

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PostSubject: Re: This is the Main Thread   This is the Main Thread Icon_minitimeMon Sep 28, 2009 10:54 pm

Laura looked out her window in the plane. The white fluffly clouds lined and flowed be low them. Lost in her won little world, she just stared silently at the scene, listening to her music. " Catch Me " by Demi Lovato ( Dont judge- it was a good song!) was on repeat. She loved that song, for some reason. It was so different than what she usually listened to.

Laura looked up when the captin of the plane annouced them to be landing soon. She blinked groggly and stretched, careful not to wake up the boy next to her. He'd been sleeping the whole time. Weird.

Anyways, she went on. When the plane landed she went with the others to the hotel. Reciving her key, she was greatful to get her own room. sighing, she set her bags down and laid onthe bed, finally getting some sleep.
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Steven McGrath
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Steven McGrath

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PostSubject: Re: This is the Main Thread   This is the Main Thread Icon_minitimeTue Sep 29, 2009 8:58 am

Steven was the last one to get off the plane, in his usual slowness, he just looked around and took a big breathe... "I'm home" he thought to himself with a big grin. Now all he had to do was find a way to escape this trip, luckily he'd heard that there'd be a few free days for the students to do their own things while in England like go to the arcade or something.

Anyway, Steven went to the hotel with everyone else, oddly enough they were all given seperate rooms, he just shrugged off any doubts about this trip and went to sleep pretty easily, knowing that tomorrow would be the trip to stonehenge and he'd found an article in his book which would make the trip abit more interesting if it was true.

~Morning after: 9:00am~

He yawned and stretched as he go up and looked out the window before pinching himself to make sure it wasn't a dream, luckily it wasn't. He grabbed his stuff for the day, along with the book he'd been reading on the plane and continued to get into the cramped little mini-van the trip had hired, he was getting a little suspicious about how a trip who'd supposedly got so much money had spent it on hotel rooms for each person but couldn't afford a good tour guide or a better transport.

Within an hour or so they'd finally arrived at Stonehenge, it was quite a sight actually, but he quickly pulled Leon aside and started telling him about this Legend he'd read, at first Leon didn't seem too eager about the idea.
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PostSubject: Re: This is the Main Thread   This is the Main Thread Icon_minitimeFri Oct 02, 2009 1:25 pm

Leon listen to Steve talk, his eyes cloudy and brain fuzzy. Jet lag always killed him, where ever it was. Even if Leon had to travel an hour ahead of behind the time zone he lived in, his head began hurting.

After Matt showed disintrest in talking to him, Leon quickly fell asleep, and not a moment too soon. The take off always killed his head the worst, and he was thankful when the jarring of the landing woke him up. A short 15 hours later, they landed and were quickly carted off to a hotel.

Slowly, Leon began to wake up and began listening to Steve with more interest, although he wished he had a cigarette to help clear his head. This damned jet laggy business sucked worse then trying to rebuild his entire bike.

Holding his hand out, Leon stopped Steve and rubbed his eyes. He turned his palm face up.

"Quiet. Morning. Early. Jet lag. Coffee. Now."
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