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    Steven McGrath
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    Matt Valentine
    Matt Valentine

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    PostSubject: Power Discussion   Power Discussion Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 5:28 pm

    I've been thinking about this topic for a while and decided to type it up because it won't only help me but it will also help you wether that be with controlling your power or using it effectively to get out of a tight situation.

    As the topic name suggests this is a discussion so feel free to post what you think or how you could help with this. REMEMBER: We are going to be going off in teams when rescuing whoever gets captured or goes missing. So dont forget to add how powers could be used together e.g Fire and Light.

    So just an overview summarised into one simple line:

    "Help me, Help you"

    Power Hints/Tips

    - Paddy will be able to create explosions
    - fire armour
    - fire weapons
    - Invulnerability to hot objects and Flames
    - Emitting fire via mouth

    - By speeding up the water molecules of a liquid substance, causing them to vibrate faster which inturn increases the number of collisions. Energy is released that fuels the transition from the liquid state to a gas state. Due to this, Ste will create a mist or gas. This will of course be controllable which is a great advantage to him. Ste could use this for infiltration by emitting a type of sleeping or nerve gas.


    - With Leon's power he could use wind as a sort of "force power" being able to pull and push things away and bring things closer towards him. This could be very useful if he were to be lets say captured or cornered. This is obviously more of an escape tactic.

    - I was going through one of my science books when i realise that you could use your power to actually speed you motor bike up. About a year ago my teacher told use about an underground train that was in a "vaccum" meaning there isn't any air within the tunnel. This was to reduce if not stop friction which obviously majorly slows things down. You could suck the air from around your tire, or even around your whole bike eliminating the chances of friction and as a result you travel faster.


    - Using this I can move objects made from earth or materials originating from earth minerals i.e Soil, Dust, Metal, Sand, Rocks
    - By covering myself in earth and solidfying similar materials, Matt can create a sort of Earth Armour but before Matt will "chisel" the armour so it is more like his appearance and to make the armour lighter so it doesnt hinder his movement as much.

    - Due to Laura's having light manipulation and well power over light she can make herself invisible by "bending" the light around her. As a few of you know or should know, we see due to light being reflected into our eyes and if Laura bends this light around her than that cannot happen so in effect she is invisible. This could be used as an Escape tactic or obviously a stealth tactic.

    - Due to laura being able to manipulate light, she could "suck in" the light from around her. As a result the room/place she sucked the light out would now become dark. So she could move around without being detected. In effect this would make normal camera ineffective.

    - After sucking in a large dose of light, Laura could release it all at once [Sorta like when Peter Petrelli in the "how to stop an exploding man" episode, for all those heroes fans]. This in turn could be used to blind people and objects such as cameras. It is debatable wheter or not the light intensity could burn through objects but i am assuming that will be discussed on a later date.

    - With his powers, Dan could be very useful in infiltrating bases and such. Dan would be able increase or decrease the size of shadows which could in effect make the whole room pitch black [similar to Laura but using shadows].

    - Dan could create a permanent shadow around him, this could give him an erie look about him. This could be used to scare people and animals away. With his powers he could obviously alter the darkness of the shadow making it pitch black. To others he would just appear as a sort of "floating" ghost-like shadow.

    - Using shadow manipulation, Dan could "phase" through a shadow and step out of another shadow closeby. The limit to this aspect of his powers it that apparently he has to see or know roughly where the other shadow is in order to step through. Using this Dan could pass underneath things such as doors.

    - Dan can create a shroud of darkness/shadow to surround objects, Because of this he has control over the object. This allows him to lift and swing the object around like a toy or temporary weapon.


    [OOC: I lost connection when submitting my input and the whole post so this is a second version]

    Last edited by Matt Valentine on Fri Sep 25, 2009 9:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Matt Valentine
    Matt Valentine

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    PostSubject: Re: Power Discussion   Power Discussion Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 5:54 pm

    Just edited it again to introduce more ideas for Leon, Laura and Dan.

    I would prefer it if people, instead of editting my post and topic will just post their ideas. I will obvisouly add it, summarise it or even go into greater detail.

    [OOC: Im going to be offline for a while so bye for now]
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    Steven McGrath
    Swimmer Geek
    Steven McGrath

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    PostSubject: Re: Power Discussion   Power Discussion Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 6:34 pm

    well in addition to Laura's power would be the other side to the effect. instead of sucking in the light, she could release a mass dose of it at once, thus blinding someone.

    and my power (water) is still debateable whether I can get it to change states or not without another power. =S
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    Daniel Wallis

    Daniel Wallis

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    PostSubject: Re: Power Discussion   Power Discussion Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 8:18 pm

    waters states should be compression factors. if you put it into a vacuum it will spread out and become a mist or gas but if compressed enough it freezes. Ice weaponry would be at your disposal as well as freeform water weapons like whips and ropes. but avoid liquid inside of things. Blood-bending if you know what i mean

    Darkness however is gonna be a transportation, telekinesis, and spectral weaponry thing.

    transportation i can meld with shadows and appear in any shadow i can see. so through or under doors would allow for infiltration

    the telekinesis is gonna be something i shroud in darkness and lift/swing about like a toy

    Spectral weaponry is the nice way for me to say pulling weapons out of my hat so to speak these can be swords staves shields bows arrows. I'd like us to avoid Guns if we can but if nothing else i may use a spectral shotgun. this also allows control over shadows allowing me to expand them or shrink them depending on the task i need them to do

    as far as fire and earth go Earth can be used in several states like lava, stone, dust/sand and Metal You are pretty much our solid objects specialist with the exception of wood and plastic but we can clear those with fire

    Fire should be limited to blasts and small explosions as well as fire armor or a flaming whip. object could be set on fire and used like a chain or pipe or rope or something

    Really all of this depends on basic physics so if you know how to explain something you could use it.
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    Steven McGrath
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    Steven McGrath

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    PostSubject: Re: Power Discussion   Power Discussion Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 8:22 pm

    well I always thought about the water states based on basic temp control o.o

    but I agree on the Earth powers more or less.

    but definately. physics are something we have to stick with.
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    Daniel Wallis

    Daniel Wallis

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    PostSubject: Re: Power Discussion   Power Discussion Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 8:34 pm

    well in physics the states are controlled by temperature which is controlled by the molecules moving. ice is little to no movement so compressing it would cause it to freeze and once you release that it would explode outwards so now you have a bomb.

    causing the molecules to spread out is what forms mist and fog and such so it's really about toying with it in your case.
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    Steven McGrath
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    Steven McGrath

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    PostSubject: Re: Power Discussion   Power Discussion Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 8:41 pm

    well as long as it's agreed upon that I'm able to freely mess with the molecules of water (and only water... not blood, since I know where you got that idea from *coughs*Avatar*coughs*)
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    Matt Valentine
    Matt Valentine

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    PostSubject: Re: Power Discussion   Power Discussion Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 9:13 pm

    Daniel Roberts wrote:
    Earth can be used in several states like lava, stone, dust/sand and Metal You are pretty much our solid objects specialist with the exception of wood and plastic

    I agree with that. Lava would be debatable [idk if i spelt that right]. But i would like to leave the control/manipulation to Paddy (Patrick).

    I also like the idea of controlling Stone, Dust/Sand and metal. I guess metal would be controllable due to it being made from the ground originally?
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    Steven McGrath
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    Steven McGrath

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    PostSubject: Re: Power Discussion   Power Discussion Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 9:17 pm

    well yea. to a certain extent it'd be harder for you manipulate metal but it's possible.

    and Lava would actually require Fire and Earth in my opinion.
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    Matt Valentine
    Matt Valentine

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    PostSubject: Re: Power Discussion   Power Discussion Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 9:39 pm

    Remember to keep checking what i add to the list, so we can discuss it further. I am not going to post regarding everything i add. That will be left to you lot [including myself] so we can debate on it.

    I think that i'll add team skills or something like that at the bottom of the post so we can come up with things that would be possible if we used our powers in conjunction with anothers e.g Me and Paddy to fully control Lava.

    Paddy, dont panic. I will add yours in greater detail, i just couldnt think about how to describe it at the time.
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    Steven McGrath
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    Steven McGrath

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    PostSubject: Re: Power Discussion   Power Discussion Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 9:42 pm

    mhm ^^ and of course like we said it'd be the other way round as well, I can compress the molecules into the state of ice and make a weapon from it... or compressing them to the state and then releasing it all at once to make a bomb.
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    PostSubject: Re: Power Discussion   Power Discussion Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 9:53 pm

    And i can do the same, but with air. And fly. o.o really really really fast if necessary.

    Since Im wind, and technically air is wind, i theoritically could be able to mess with the air pressure also, moving the air and seperating the oxygen molecules, making it harder to breathe
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    Steven McGrath
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    Steven McGrath

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    PostSubject: Re: Power Discussion   Power Discussion Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 9:56 pm

    lol true o.o changing air pressure or even air currents to make a vaccum around a person thus resulting their inevitable collapsing and passing out. =)
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    PostSubject: Re: Power Discussion   Power Discussion Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 9:57 pm

    exactly. Im trying to figure out how to mess with gravity itself, but that would take almost complete manipulation of every element, and probably cause a mini big bang resulting in our deaths x.x
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    Steven McGrath
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    Steven McGrath

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    PostSubject: Re: Power Discussion   Power Discussion Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 9:58 pm

    lol xD yea... I don't like the idea of my death x.x
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    PostSubject: Re: Power Discussion   Power Discussion Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 9:58 pm

    me neither XD. but force powers, effectively, plus hurricanes/tornados and messed up air pressures and currents... you guys are gonna have a joyful time fighting me.
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    Steven McGrath
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    Steven McGrath

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    PostSubject: Re: Power Discussion   Power Discussion Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 10:01 pm

    lol xD I somehow see this as an epic time for someone to be injured in fighting you O.o I mean hell no-one's coming back from that fight without a scratch.
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    PostSubject: Re: Power Discussion   Power Discussion Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 10:03 pm

    e.e.... i know atleast 2 of you arent

    its a good thing I posted first too XD
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    Steven McGrath
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    Steven McGrath

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    PostSubject: Re: Power Discussion   Power Discussion Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 10:04 pm

    lol well yea xD well those two people would be me and paddy.

    and why is it good?
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    PostSubject: Re: Power Discussion   Power Discussion Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 10:11 pm

    im talkign after you ALL find me XD

    and its good because then everyone can react to my post and each others, then i can react to everyones
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    Steven McGrath
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    Steven McGrath

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    PostSubject: Re: Power Discussion   Power Discussion Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 10:12 pm

    hmm... I see =O that's genius actually xD
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    PostSubject: Re: Power Discussion   Power Discussion Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 10:14 pm

    yup. I am a genius
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    Steven McGrath
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    Steven McGrath

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    PostSubject: Re: Power Discussion   Power Discussion Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 10:15 pm

    lol XD well I think we'll take it in turns on doing the timeskip during whoever's post it is. o.o
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    Daniel Wallis

    Daniel Wallis

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    PostSubject: Re: Power Discussion   Power Discussion Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 10:32 pm

    i think if gravity was going to be messed with it's best left to Darkness but lava i agree should be a combo rather than a singular skill

    i am thinking of manipulating darkness in such a way as to create black elements light dark fire, liquid shadows, black lightning, that sort of thing but earth and wind i can't mimic because well earth is earth and wind is too infinite for me to control.

    i think if anything Light is the most limited so let's focus on her stuff

    maybe she could move at the speed of light or have minor time skills similar to her body moving at the speed of light.

    Ideally we should have done seven to encompass the full range of elements


    but for now why don't we give Laura Lightning so she can have some form of physical attack
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    PostSubject: Re: Power Discussion   Power Discussion Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 10:33 pm

    well, light CAN be a physical attack by itself.

    What do you think laser beams are, in essence?
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