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 Just a poem I wrote in april.

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Danielle Moreira

Danielle Moreira

Posts : 2
Join date : 2009-10-03
Age : 31
Location : Holland

Just a poem I wrote in april. Empty
PostSubject: Just a poem I wrote in april.   Just a poem I wrote in april. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 05, 2009 4:28 pm

Feelings so dark deep inside
Make me wonder if I ever will survive
Feelings so sad and oh so true
Is what I felt and still do.

Never show your true self to anyone
I heard that too many times, but still Im undone.
Dont get too close to anyone you dont know
This is real, not a show

Im already dead deep down inside
I can never survive
Unless there is someone who will love me
Do anything to make me happy

Here I am on the edge of breaking down
No one here, no one to be around
Will someone please find me and make me better
Will someone please give me a shelter.
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Just a poem I wrote in april.
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