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PostSubject: dbefeohrephprehkerphl   dbefeohrephprehkerphl Icon_minitimeTue Oct 26, 2010 2:51 pm

Ryo and You

dbefeohrephprehkerphl NARUTO-Anime-Frog-Leather-1-small
"Never spend your money before you have earned it. "
Thomas Jefferson

Ryo is the currency that makes the Shinobi World go round. It is key to helping your characters progress in this RP setting and it is gained through RPing. Mission threads, Plot threads and Personal threads can all gain your character a varying amount of Ryo. However, only roleplaying a playable character (PC) will be rewarded for their RPing, using NPCs will not obtain any Ryo. It is immensely valuable and has several important uses. By spending Ryo your character will be able to obtain new items, jutsu scrolls, a place to live, it also is an effective barganing chip. However it is important to spend wisely, because once the Ryo has been spent the transaction cannot be undone.
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PostSubject: Re: dbefeohrephprehkerphl   dbefeohrephprehkerphl Icon_minitimeTue Oct 26, 2010 2:51 pm

Mission/Thread Grading

Ryo and Distribution Points[explained in next post] are obtained through RPing. Once a thread has been completed, a RP mod will grade the topic based on Length and Quality and a certain amount of points will be given.

  • D rank: D rank missions must be at least two pages and reward the participants with 3 DP and 300,000 Ryo
  • C rank: C rank missions must be at least Four pages and reward the participants with 5 DP and 500,000 Ryo
  • B rank: B rank missions must be at least Six pages and reward the participants with 7 DP and 700,000 Ryo
  • A rank: C rank missions must be at least Eight pages and reward the participants with 9 DP and 900,000 Ryo
  • S rank: C rank missions must be at leas
    t Four pages and reward the participants with 10 DP and 1,000,000 Ryo

[Just a base increase may come with higher quality as with normal threads.]

Normal Threads:

Normal threads will gain Distribution points and Ryo at a rate of 1 DP and 100,000 ryo per page with a possible increase for good quality posts [as determined by the thread moderator]
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dbefeohrephprehkerphl Empty
PostSubject: Re: dbefeohrephprehkerphl   dbefeohrephprehkerphl Icon_minitimeThu Oct 28, 2010 1:32 pm


Strength is a measure of a character's muscle or physical power. Strength determines how much power is behind a melee attack and how heavy an object a character may lift. It allows them to hold or grapple others as well as to break out of restraints. Effectively, for any task where inertia is changed, strength is the relevant statistic

The Accuracy stat determines a character's depth of perception. It allows you to follow moving objects at certain speeds and act accordingly to it from both a short distance and at a range. It is the main stat for someones aiming and their reflexes. Speed however also plays a key role in avoiding attacks.

Stamina is how healthy and sturdy someone is. It affects their tolerance to sickness and poison, as well as how many hits they can take before going down. Stamina determines how fast you heal and how long you can endure strenuous activity, such as holding your breath or running. In addition, those with high stamina have much more resistance to extreme hot or cold, and can live for much longer with serious, untreated wounds.

Speed determines how fast someone's body can move. Higher speeds allow characters to run faster, jump further, and dodge attacks that they're aware of. When this stat is high, the character is more mobile and difficult for enemies to hit under normal circumstances

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dbefeohrephprehkerphl Empty
PostSubject: Re: dbefeohrephprehkerphl   dbefeohrephprehkerphl Icon_minitimeThu Nov 04, 2010 4:47 pm

Stats explained:

Given that the Naruto Universe is largely about combat, a stat system has been deviced to make the whole process either. The entire stat system is composed of 5 attributes which will be the base of your character. These five attributes being Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Speed, and Skill. Each attribute will effect a specific area of your character and his/her combat. For example someone with 1 point in Speed would not be able to keep up with someone with 100 points in the same category. However, stats do not define everything in combat, a skillful RPer could over come someone with higher stats with ease.

The 5 Attributes can be increased with Distribution Points which can be earned through RPing[see Thread Grading for more details]. DP can be used to increase your player character's attributes by a certain amount depending upon your PC's progress. It is quite easy to increase your PC's stats and thus become stronger, however because of this there is a growth cap on how much your stats can increase depending on your rank/skill level.

Starting DP
Novice Genin:35
Average Genin: 45
Experienced Genin:55
Special Jounin:155
Advanced Jounin:205

Novice Genin example

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PostSubject: Re: dbefeohrephprehkerphl   dbefeohrephprehkerphl Icon_minitime

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