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PostSubject: r3ewfg-ewfgwefwfwe[]   r3ewfg-ewfgwefwfwe[] Icon_minitimeFri Oct 29, 2010 9:02 pm

[‬b‭][‬u]Name of Weapon or Item‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬Camouflage Tool Set
[b‭][‬u]Owner‭[‬/u‭][‬/b‭]‬:‭ ‬ANBU
[u‭][‬b]Location‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬Back
[b‭][‬u]Rank‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬E

[u‭][‬b]Description/Abilities‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬These weapons have been completely integrated for stealth.‭ ‬All the normal weapons one would normally have,‭ ‬kunai,‭ ‬wires,‭ ‬tags,‭ ‬etc are completely adapted for camouflage in the leaf village.‭ ‬A throw tool with an explosive note becomes hard to recognize while it silently flies towards your opponent.‭ ‬They are not‭ ‬impossible to notice,‭ ‬but it makes them harder to notice to opponents how paying attention aren‭’‬t.‭ ‬The tools are adapted for silence as well,‭ ‬and make little to no noise when thrown at average speed.


[b‭][‬u]Appearance‭[‬/u‭][‬/b‭]‬:‭ ‬The‭ ‬appearance varies,‭ ‬a normal ANBU in the village would have one colored for the village territory.‭ ‬These include forested and urban areas.‭ ‬Other colored nin pouches are designed for different villages,‭ ‬based on ANBU intel.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬the entire weapons are camo,‭ ‬not just the handle.


‭[‬b‭][‬u]Name of Weapon or Item‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬ANBU‭ ‬Short sword
[b‭][‬u]Owner‭[‬/u‭][‬/b‭]‬:‭ ‬ANBU
[u‭][‬b]Location‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬---
‭[‬b‭][‬u]Rank‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬D

[u‭][‬b]Description/Abilities‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬A basic short sword that all ANBU are given upon entering.‭ ‬The blade can be colored black or‭ ‬its normal silver color depending on the person choosing.‭ ‬Camo options are usually available.‭


‭[‬b‭][‬u]Appearance‭[‬/u‭][‬/b‭]‬:‭ ‬The basic short sword that ANBU wear.


‭[‬b‭][‬u]Name of Weapon or Item‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬ANBU Ninjato
[b‭][‬u]Owner‭[‬/u‭][‬/b‭]‬:‭ ‬ANBU
[u‭][‬b]Location‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬---
‭[‬b‭][‬u]Rank‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬D

[u‭][‬b]Description/Abilities‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬A ninjato,‭ ‬which is as long as a regular katana and serves roughly the same purpose.‭ ‬ANBU wanting a longer blade can opt to take this sword,‭ ‬which also has different colored versions.‭ ‬It‭’‬s a basic sword,‭ ‬something to combat a katana user with than a short sword which might have a disadvantage.


‭[‬b‭][‬u]Appearance‭[‬/u‭][‬/b‭]‬:‭ ‬It appears to be a straight version of a katana,‭ ‬without the curve.‭ ‬This allows for better stabbing,‭ ‬but does not cut as well as a katana due to its makeup.‭

[b‭][‬u]Name of Weapon or Item‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬Ghille Suit
[b‭][‬u]Owner‭[‬/u‭][‬/b‭]‬:‭ ‬ANBU
[u‭][‬b]Location‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬In a pack/On body
[b‭][‬u]Rank‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬C

[u‭][‬b]Description/Abilities‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬The ANBU ghillie suit uses a chakra‭ ‬suppressive material that allows the ANBU member to‭ ‬camouflage in their‭ ‬surroundings.‭ ‬There‭ ‬are two‭ ‬versions to this suit.‭ ‬The first one is an unprepared Ghillie suit,‭ ‬with a dark,‭ ‬close‭ ‬knit fabric that fits over the‭ ‬user like a cloak.‭ ‬The ANBU member will then gather debris‭ ‬and other objects of the selected terrain to‭ ‬camouflage in,‭ ‬which makes the‭ ‬camouflage more authentic.‭ ‬Or,‭ ‬the ANBU will have a prepared one created with‭ ‬commercial colors.‭ ‬These allow for‭ ‬camouflage as well,‭ ‬but may not be re-used in different‭ ‬situation.‭ ‬They both‭ ‬suppress the‭ ‬user‭’‬s chakra making it deathly hard for sensors to notice.‭ ‬Even with a sensor like Kiba,‭ ‬smelling‭ (‬senses‭) ‬become hard to pick up due to the fabric knit which locks in smell.‭ ‬For chakra sensors,‭ ‬even like Karin,‭ ‬they would have to be within‭ ‬10‭ ‬meters to notice the chakra.‭ ‬Even then,‭ ‬it is difficult to visually point out the ANBU member.‭


[b‭][‬u]Appearance‭[‬/u‭][‬/b‭]‬:‭ ‬An example of one‭ [‬spoiler‭]‬ [IMG‭]‬‭[‬/IMG‭][‬/spoiler‭]


[b‭][‬u]Name of Weapon or Item‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬Long Range Binoculars
[b‭][‬u]Owner‭[‬/u‭][‬/b‭]‬:‭ ‬ANBU
[u‭][‬b]Location‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬---
‭[‬b‭][‬u]Rank‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬D

[u‭][‬b]Description/Abilities‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬A long range binocular which covers the entire front face,‭ ‬including the peripheral.‭ ‬These long range binoculars have the ability to see thermal and night vision.‭ ‬They can see up to‭ ‬5‭ ‬kilometers.‭ ‬They can also be turned off,‭ ‬meaning that they are just shades and thermal and night vision can be used separately with the actual zoom.‭ ‬They can be controlled by an optional zoom pad which can be placed in the palm of the hand,‭ ‬or they can be controlled by touching the side handles.‭ ‬Village Guards at the gates and stationed along the village walls are equipped with these.


‭[‬b‭][‬u]Appearance‭[‬/u‭][‬/b‭]‬:‭ ‬(The shades part are black,‭ ‬or silver,‭ ‬or the color you see depending on location,‭ ‬they can change tint.‭ ‬They can also go clear.‭ ‬They also have an interface on them,‭ ‬telling the user how far certain locations are,‭ ‬etc‭)


[b‭][‬u]Name of Weapon or Item‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬Contact Binoculars
[b‭][‬u]Owner‭[‬/u‭][‬/b‭]‬:‭ ‬ANBU
[u‭][‬b]Location‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬---
‭[‬b‭][‬u]Rank‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬D

[u‭][‬b]Description/Abilities‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬A normal par if binoculars,‭ ‬using Konoha technology.‭ ‬They can see up to one kilometer.‭ ‬They can‭’‬t see in thermal or night vision and can only be turned on and off.‭ ‬Controlling them is done with slight bits of chakra.‭ ‬They can be used in battle,‭ ‬but at the cost of the obvious tunnel vision.



‭[‬b‭][‬u]Name of Weapon or Item‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬New ANBU Standard Gear
[b‭][‬u]Owner‭[‬/u‭][‬/b‭]‬:‭ ‬ANBU
[u‭][‬b]Location‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬Body
[b‭][‬u]Rank‭[‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬---‭ (‬Idk‭)

[u‭][‬b]Description/Abilities‭ [‬/b‭][‬/u‭]‬:‭ ‬Like the village in Konoha,‭ ‬the ANBU have changed their costume.‭ ‬They have gotten with the traditional mask and went with a new get up for ANBU.‭ ‬It consists of the classic‭ “‬black‭”‬ ninja outfit.‭ ‬The normal color is black,‭ ‬but they can be changed depending on the situation.‭ ‬All parts are custom made,‭ ‬specifically for the shinobi wearing them.‭ ‬All clothing is generally waterproof and fireproof.‭

Feet:‭ ‬The shoes of the ANBU uniform are double woven with a strong cloth fiber and are tied together with a rubber covered metal wire to protect the shoe and the foot.‭ ‬The inside is covered with a soft memory foam with fur under,‭ ‬which isn‭’‬t for comfort,‭ ‬but allows the shoe to suck up motion.‭ ‬This means that watching the feet for movement becomes almost impossible.‭ ‬The outside of the shoe are wrapped in a black moisture wicking,‭ ‬water repellant cloth,‭ ‬which prevents the shoe from squeaking when wet and from getting water into the shoe.‭ ‬The grip placed on the bottom is adapted for silence,‭ ‬traction and grip.‭ ‬This allows footwork and motion to be near completely silenced.‭ ‬An optional steel toe can be placed in if the ANBU is skilled in taijutsu.‭ ‬This is hidden from view.‭ ‬These shoes come up to right above the heel and fit snuggly with each foot and a leather strap.

Legs/Pants:‭ ‬The pants are also custom made.‭ ‬They are created first with a strong moisture wicking‭ ‬carbon fiber,‭ ‬which allows them to be very durable.‭ ‬The complex weave of the fiber allows for air to flow in and out,‭ ‬and also allows water to be repelled easily.‭ ‬This can survive light‭ ‬damage and doesn‭’‬t tear easily at all.‭ ‬There is a non conductive dense armor plate on the shins,‭ ‬all the way down to right above the ankle.‭ ‬This can deflect‭ ‬tools,‭ ‬but will become easier to damage as things hit it.‭ ‬The armor us under the clothes,‭ ‬and is also on the thigh,‭ ‬front and back‭ (‬thigh only‭)

Chest/Arms:‭ ‬The chest part is usually standard made,‭ ‬but can be custom made for those wanting one and women.‭ ‬They contain a set of armor,‭ ‬which is stronger than the leg armor and has the ability to deflect shuriken for an extended amount of time.‭ ‬Swords will find‭ ‬resistance when they meet‭ ‬this armor.‭ ‬Even with elemental swords,‭ ‬a stab can be made,‭ ‬but depending on the element,‭ ‬some friction will be made,‭ ‬but little.‭ ‬The armor is segmented,‭ ‬and the henges for the armor are placed in the insides,‭ ‬which covers the gaps between each armor segment.‭ ‬The armor is custom made and can cover the majority of the chest.‭ ‬Women will find theirs at a slight disadvantage,‭ ‬since flexible breast pieces are not‭ ‬made‭;‬ they cup the breast like a metal bra.‭ ‬Some women can take the‭ ‬option to cover their breasts tightly with a carbon fiber woven sash,‭ ‬to allow them to wear regular armor.‭ ‬The same type of armor is also placed on the back as well.‭ ‬The cloth is thicker in the chest part,‭ ‬but is made of the same complex carbon fiber.‭ ‬It‭’‬s thicker which allows for more protection.‭ ‬The arms have an armored cuff,‭ ‬which extends from the wrist to almost up to the elbow joint.‭ ‬The‭ ‬“outsides‭”‬ of the armor cuffs are‭ ‬mechanical‭;‬ they can fire shuriken from them,‭ ‬or release a‭ ‬set of spikes with a twitch of the finger.‭ ‬This can turn missed close range attacks into lethal attacks.‭ ‬These are‭ ‬worn outside the armor.‭ ‬There also are armored shoulder plates which cover the shoulder bone,‭ ‬and‭ ‬thick cloth armor,‭ ‬similar‭ ‬to high grade leather that cover the collar bones,‭ ‬but allow for easy neck and shoulder movement.‭

Head:‭ ‬Two cloth wraps,‭ ‬made of the same fabric cover the mouth and one goes over the head to form the classic ninja look.‭ ‬With this,‭ ‬the ninja can hide their‭ ‬identity without the chance of loss‭ ‬peripheral or inability to perform techniques that originate from the mouth.‭ ‬There is an optional armor plate for the mouth,‭ ‬which has a hole for fire techniques.‭

*All armor is made from a nonconductive metal which doesn‭’‬t rust easily and doesn‭’‬t conduct electricity.‭ ‬Almost all armor is‭ ‬underneath‭ ‬the‭ ‬clothes and is the same color as the clothes,‭ ‬except for the arm‭ ‬armor piece which is‭ ‬outside.‭*



Name of Weapon or Item: Anti-Personnal Shrapnel Mine "Gekitai"
Owner: ANBU/Hokage
Location: ---
Rank: A

Description/Abilities: The Gekitai is an Anti Personnel Mine designed to cause a high amount of damage in a forward direction. When exploded, the mine releases a large amount of shrapnel towards the wanted direction. It can release a dangerous amount of very hot shrapnel in a 50 meter radius which can cause a high amount of damage. Not even armored opponents are safe from this due to the sheer amount of damage it causes in numbers. Gekitai, meaning to "repel the enemy" pushes out the shranpnel with a remote, wire, explosive tag, or timed trip. Even though it's somewhat big to carry out on the battlefield, it can be set up for village security or even for traps if time allows.

History: Keiden developed this mine for village use and security. Rarely, its used for fights and is mostly used for village security. Using his vast knowledge as the Hokage, Keiden has placed these all around the enitre village hidden from plain sight.

Appearance: The mine is about four inches thick, five inches high and about eight inches across. It's big for normal combat but about two or three can be held in a backpack or one in a large enough nin-pouch. Setting the mine up is easy. With an epoxy glue on the back, it is simple and easy to remove the cover and place on a mine.
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