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 SHaringan WIP

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Join date : 2009-09-20

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PostSubject: SHaringan WIP   SHaringan WIP Icon_minitimeTue Nov 02, 2010 11:35 am

The Sharingan

As the basis of the Uchiha clan, it is fitting that these be covered first. First off, Uchiha have a limited amount of time that they are able to use their active Doujutsu, determined by their skill level and sometimes other personal factors. The number of tomoe also features into this heavily, which is also determined by the Uchiha's skill level.

Here is a quick run-down of the different effects of the various Tomoe...

One Tomoe: Enables the vision of the chakra system in a very generally manner, able to see the internal chakra of other ninja and able to detect disturbances in it. Other than that it cannot detect or otherwise see chakra, such as in other objects, or the chakra points as Hyuuga can.

Two Tomoe: Enables the piercing of Genjutsu by detecting changes in chakra that reveal the presence of Genjutsu. The eye must be activated at this stage before the Genjutsu is used for this to take effect. This can only be used to see through Genjustu of the user's rank or lower.

Three Tomoe: Enables the user to detect muscle tensions and body position to predict the attacks of an opponent before they perform them. This can also be used to track handsigns and copy them, enabling effective copying of a jutsu assuming the Uchiha can use the jutsu being performed. This enables the Uchiha to see the muscle movements, but please be aware that anticipating something does not automatically make you able to dodge it. You still have to have the time and ability to react to attacks, ignoring such things is considered God Mod.

Mangekyou: This is not so much a tomoe as an advanced form of Sharingan all-together, but it has been included here as it is fitting. Obtaining the Mangekyou Sharinigan requires a few things, so before you even attempt to claim having it you must be aware of the following:

- You must witness, or induce, the death of a close friend.
- The site defines a close friend as one who is either mentioned in your history for a substantial part of your life time (more than a year) or someone you have been in more than three topics with that have furthered your friendship (judged by the Staff.)
- In the case of witnessing, you do not gain Mangekyou automatically, and must do a 6000 word training topic before you are able to achieve it, in which you dwell on their death and use it as fuel to unlock the latent potential of your Sharingan.

After you've obtained Mangekyou, you may be wondering about the techniques. The canon techniques are not allowed for use and instead you may make your own techniques. You may have Genjutsu technique, one Ninjutsu, and one Special Summoning. Each of these will drain from your chakra heavily (as the cost of two S Rank jutsu) and slowly induce blindness.

You may use Mangekyou as many times as you like in a topic, though the chakra drain limits you, and the blindness will be very quick in coming. After the first five uses, the eyes will bleed anytime afterwards that you activate Mangekyou, causing great pain and blurring vision and aim. After ten, the eyes become hazy and grow lighter in color, making the user effectively color-blind. At the moment of the fifteenth use, the user becomes irreversibly blind and can only regain sight by killing another Mangekyou Sharingan user. Doing so will reset the eyes to their original state and no further eye usage will degrade the vision.

Please be aware that using the Mangekyou abilities requires the appropriate specialties. You must have Ninjutsu and Genjutsu to use the corresponding abilities, Summoning is the only technique that does not require any specific specialty to utilize. Upon achieving Mangekyou you will not change specialties, so plan ahead of time or get your specialty switched if you intend to ever use Mangekyou.

The Sharingan may be held for a number of posts at each tomoe level according to the chart below. If the user switches from a lower tomoe count to a higher, the post in which it is switched does not count against the number of posts for the higher tomoe. You may not advance from no tomoe to two, or one to three, and receive this benefit.

Uchiha RankOne TomoeTwo TomoeThree Tomoe

Obtaining Tomoe:

Obtaining the Sharingan tomoe is a relatively simple process. First things first, be aware that there are limits about how many tomoe you are usually allowed to unlock. Genin with three tomoe is generally a no, so don't bother trying to have that on your application, if you get it it'll be in RP.

Uchiha do not start with their unlocked Sharingan, instead gaining it through mental stress or trauma. For each traumatic incident, usually a tomoe is unlocked, though if the incident is severe enough the Uchiha may 'skip' to higher levels of tomoe.

You cannot unlock three tomoe through your character history, this much be unlocked through actual role-playing based traumatic experiences. Also, be realistic, its pretty obvious to tell when you just set things up to gain a tomoe.

Genin: No Tomoe
Chuunin: 1 Tomoe
Jounin: 2 Tomoe

Last edited by Caranore on Sat Nov 06, 2010 5:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2009-09-20

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PostSubject: Re: SHaringan WIP   SHaringan WIP Icon_minitimeSat Nov 06, 2010 5:50 pm

Note: Genin can not gain more than 2 tomoe period. Chuunin can have 3, but only Jounin+ can have Mangekyo.

Each time you use the Sharingan, there will be a chakra cost, and a post limit between deactivations to prevent constant use.

1 Tomoe: 1 D-Rank every 3 posts, must wait 2 posts to reactivate.
2 Tomoe: 1 D-Rank every 3 posts, must wait 4 posts to reactivate.
3 Tomoe: 1 D-Rank every 2 posts, must wait 6 posts to reactivate.

Example: George activates his Sharingan as a C-Rank Genin. He activates his sharingan, and advances to 2 tomoe. After 3 posts he is required to deactivate it. In order to reactivate the second tomoe, he needs to wait 4 posts. But in order to use the first, he needs to wait two posts. Therefore after 2 posts of deactivation, George can reactivate his sharingan.

Also, using the first tomoe you can copy others jutsu's, but in order for you to be able to train them, you MUST have that affinity. This applies to Ninjutsu only.

If you wish to copy a Taijutsu style, you not only need to copy it from a Taijutsu use, but you must do a full training thread to learn the style, the length of switching your specialty to a different one.

Note: The above 2 conditions do not require someone allowing the jutsu to be copied IC, but OOC permission is a must.
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