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Aoi-chan's App. -  Aoiharu Mikara of the Light! (WiP) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 18, 2010 8:38 pm by Caranore

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Aoi-chan's App. -  Aoiharu Mikara of the Light! (WiP) Icon_minitimeSat Nov 13, 2010 12:15 pm by Caranore

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Aoi-chan's App. -  Aoiharu Mikara of the Light! (WiP) Icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 10:42 pm by lifeanddeath

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 Aoi-chan's App. - Aoiharu Mikara of the Light! (WiP)

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Laura Grace
Artsy Girl
Laura Grace

Posts : 19
Join date : 2009-09-20

Aoi-chan's App. -  Aoiharu Mikara of the Light! (WiP) Empty
PostSubject: Aoi-chan's App. - Aoiharu Mikara of the Light! (WiP)   Aoi-chan's App. -  Aoiharu Mikara of the Light! (WiP) Icon_minitimeTue Sep 22, 2009 5:14 pm

Name: Aoiharu (or just Aoi) Mikara

Age: 18



Element: Light


Weapon(s): A long staff that is 5"6 (taller than her xD) white marble like rod with a gold ball attached at each end. on the top, there are white wings attached and a golden diamond sticking on the top.

Animal(s): White Kitten! Named Alreia Always on her shoulder, unless she's in school, then it stays in her backpack, which she carries around. ( yes, packpack. has a back of cat nip in it and a water bottle. and a hole in the top... She'll pop her head out randomly and go "mew '' at random times. lawlz)

Fighting style: Uses mainly Magick with some sword-like fighting with her staff. Maigck is used with various spells.. She has 3 atm.

  • White Glass beads of light come out from the top of her staff, and form into sharp, glass-like shards of light which shoot at the target.
  • Light Leaf Hands glow with a white light and she is able to heal people's wounds. Can extract posion, heal cuts, etc (like medic nin healing)
  • Angel's Song Holds staff out infront of her and sings a note, making feathers apper around her which start glowing brightly. Explodes into a violent eruption of light that attacks the targets.her most powerful attack.

Background: Was born and rasied in a relatively normal home. Mother worked long hours as a sales manager at a local insurance company. Her father was never in the picture. Her mother remarried when she was 13. Aoi, at first, hated him with a passion. Still does. Only worse.
Her stepfather, was name Shukra Mikara. He was a real jerk and freak. Mikara drank and hit Aoi's mom, as well as spend large amounts of money on himself and left Aoi's mom to pay bills, school tution, etc. Aoi, even almost had to drop out of school to see if she could help her mother, even if she had to stay with her step father more during the day. Her view on that all changed.
Aoi, age 16, was in a crappy mood one day, and was alone at home. Her step father came in drunk, as usual, and Aoi didn't see anything different until he came up behind her. He roughly grabed her by the hair and yanked her back. Mikara threw her on the table and punched her in the gut. His face was still as stone and emotionless. Aoi screamed and begged for him to stop, but he didn't. He just kept beating on her. After what seemed like a forever, it got worse for Aoi.
Mikara threw Aoi to the ground and got on top of her. His hands slipped up her shirt and started their way up. Aoi screamed and started trashing around, tring to escape.
Aoi knew she had to stop her stepfather. Somehow. She couldn't let this happen to her. She squinted her eyes closed and screamed at the top of her lungs.
A flash of light blurred her vision for ahalf second and then she heard a crash. Shakly, she turned to where her step father had landed. His nose was bleeding, along with his head. Somehow, he was thrown into the kitchen cabnit that held all of their glassware.
Aoi didnt' stay at that place for another night. She packed her clothes and left in her car. She started driving and kept going until her car wouldn't go.
She ended up in a town, she didn't know the name, and stayed in a hotel for about 3 weeks until she found a job. She started working at a small resturant and found a small cat in the back. It had been following her around for a few days and so she decided to keep it. By the time august came around, Aoi enrolled herself into the local highschool and started her new life on her own. She lives in a small apartment on the edge of town and drives to school each day alone. Aoi is now in her senior year.

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