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    Daniel Wallis

    Daniel Wallis

    Posts : 38
    Join date : 2009-09-20

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    PostSubject: Avatar training   Avatar training Icon_minitimeSat Sep 26, 2009 9:23 pm

    Daniel stood in the mountains drawing the overview of his quaint little town. He came up here two time a month to Take in the seasons and oddly enough had never even seen a single creature on the way up or down this mountain. still during his drawings a lone wolf would make an appearance or two for the sake of the protrait. Daniel continued his drawing considering all that had happened within the short time between the trip to the stone henge ruins.

    Still the single thing driving itself through his powers and his dreams was a single hunter. he wore the pelt of an arctic wolf about his shoulders. his name eluded him at the moment but that wasn't what he came here for he came for. he came for the silence of the mountain. before he hated feeling alone now he treasured every second he had to himself. he looked to his drawing and finished a single tree in front of him. he looked up again and spotted something that made his heart stop. A lone, black, wolf.

    It sat in front of him staring with his deep purple eyes. Daniel froze. He could barely breathe as the monstrous creature stood and circled him. Daniel prepared to have to fight with the beast though he didn't have much control over the powers he had yet he was still prepared to unleash them if he had needed them. A growl brought his attention back to the wolf who had sat once more in front of him. The lupine predator tensed shortly before pouncing on Daniel who was so caught off guard he fell back knocking himself unconscious.

    Moaning he opened his eyes to reveal a darkened forest area. all around him was silence. he looked around seeing shades of creatures walking amongst trees as if oblivious to him. Deer stopped at a stream to drink while beavers worked furiously trying a build a dam. "Where the hell am I?" Daniel thought only to hear his thoughts play out as if on a megaphone. Creatures scattered as though a bomb was dropped and the shade of a wolf came forward to sit in front of him.

    "Solumatrum." A single word echoed through the forest and the creatures stopped in an instant. the same hunter from his dreams walked upp behind the wolf petting it as he walked past it. "This shady forest was once home to my tribe. I was the lead hunter in it due to the same powers you hold now. "Powers?" he thought once more ringing out through the forest. "If you have my powers then does that mean you know how to use them?" The hunter nodded. "Then show me would ya?!" Daniel's thought came out as more of a scream than a question but the hunter didn't seem to notice. Instead he simply vanished.

    Daniel stood wincing from a stinging sensation as he touched the back of his head. he looked about and all that remained was the wolf sitting in front of him. His head whirled with questions, most of which revolved around his powers. Tired of remaining still he walked forward ignoring the wolf sitting in front of him and into the surrounding forest. He knew the hunter was following him and hiding in the shadows but he decided if he was going to hurt him he would have done so by now.

    Daniel watched the animals going about their lives unaware that the wolf was following him. as he neared a group of deer he thought aloud once more scaring them all away. The hunter appeared again in between the trees ahead of Daniel. "Why the hell am i here if you're not gonna help me?" he asked. his verbalizations came out a bit shakily as he stared at the hunter. "I intend to help you but first you should understand your powers. Darkness is a hiding element. in light it recedes and it controls where light can't touch."

    Daniel watched as a glimmer of light appeared on the edge of the forest as the sun began to rise. all the shades of the animals began to melt away in the blinding light. Daniel blinked repeatedly as his eyes refocused in the light. These powers of yours are buried in your mind. the greater meaning her is your imagination. think, and it becomes. say, and it happens. "Darken." At the hunters beckoning the light dimmed to a point where Daniel could again see.

    "So if i should think i'm holding a sword?" the hunter nodded to daniel's hand which now clasped a materializing blade. "What the hell!?" Daniel screamed the materializing blade fell with a metallic clang to the ground where it lay for a few moments before disappearing like the shades. Your emotions also aid your powers. if you are angry more of your power will be released. happy, it will become jagged, eratic. if you feel threatened, they protect you. if you're protecting some one, they become destructive. if your mind drifts so will your body.

    "What like teleporting?" Only where you want to go. if you are unsure you will return here. "And where is here?" Daniel persisted. "Solumatrum is north of the stonehenge ruins. over six thousand years in the past. Daniel paused for a second to pick his jaw up off of the floor before looking around. he saw the trees and in the distance he saw a stone arch. the light from the sun came through the arch making a door-like beam of like cast onto a single boulder in the forest. however one thing bothered him. the wolf, it had been a shade but now it was furry like the one that had tackled him.

    "So who is he?" Daniel nodded in the direction of the wolf who looked to the hunter and whined. Him? haven't you heard of the guardian of the forest? the lone wolf? Shadows take more than a single form. Daniel almost stepped back as the wolf walked to him. it stopped just inches in front of him and sat. He seems to think he'll be coming with you. Daniel laughed then returned to staring at the wolf. "You can't be serious. I can't been seen with a wolf! I'm strange enough as it is." Daniel knelt in front of the wolf and extended a hand towards it.

    The wolf whined and stepped forward running his head under daniel's hand. You wanted to know how to control these powers right? I learned from him. and so will you if you don't want them to consume you. Daniel smiled at the wolf who had since rolled onto his back lazily. "I guess but he had better be house trained." Daniel's face had become completely serious at this point. The hunter merely smiled as the two of them faded from sight. over him...

    Daniel woke up with the wolf sitting next to him and his drawings and pencils strewn across the area. As he woke the wolf turned his head from staring off into the distance to staring at him. "Alright you can come with me but lets get something straight school is off limits. and if anyone asks your name is Kira. got it?" the wolf wagged his tail and barked at daniel causing him to topple over once more.
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