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    Steven McGrath
    Swimmer Geek
    Steven McGrath

    Posts : 62
    Join date : 2009-09-20

    Obtaining the Avatar Empty
    PostSubject: Obtaining the Avatar   Obtaining the Avatar Icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2009 9:59 pm

    "Ugh... What... Happened", said Steven as he found himself on a concrete floor, looked up a little to see that was in a happy looking yet busy street, he slowly tried to pick himself up off the ground but his body felt heavier than normal, suddenly the sounds of people screaming and shouting echoed in his head. He groaned as he stood up, and slowly lifted his head up only to bare witness to the busy city in flames in an instant, he thought it must have been a dream, it defies all logic for an entire city to go up in flames like that, people were running in fear right passed him, not paying any attention to why he seemed so out of place through all this chaos going on around him.

    He put his head into his hand as he tried to wake himself up from this nightmare, he lifted his head quickly and dropped to his knees, tears were running down his cheeks, his mouth was wide open as he looked at the carnage.

    "This... is.... my...hometown" was all he could mutter to himself, yet still no-one even flinched at this young boy on his knees in the middle of this mess, he quickly shook his head and tried to remain calm, he knew all he could do was try to put out the fires himself, he had been hesistant to use his powers after seeing their destructive force first hand, but now he thought he could make a difference, if he could just save one person he wouldn't consider them a curse after all.

    He quickly got up and raised his arm out in front of him, with a flick of his hand he tried to call out the water from a nearby fountain, however... nothing happened, he tried again and again, yet nothing was happening, "why now?!" was all he could think about as he started to crack under the pressure. His breathing started to speed up, all his worries running through his head all at once, his fear that his family were in those flames terrified him and all he could do was feel utterly useless.

    He screamed in anger at himself as hard as he could, but nothing came out, nothing was going right it seemed, he looked up again to find himself on the beach he was last at, he looked over into the beautiful blue sea... he looked abit closer to see a light blue shark floating above the water, to his surprise the shark stop in front of him, but still above the water and start speaking clearly to him, and shockingly Steven understood it all.

    "You desire my power, for what purpose should I give you, an insignificant little human, my power?"

    Annoyed at the sharks arrogant attitude and still shook up from the things he saw at his hometown, Steven suddenly burst out in an angry tone, "I need to get back and save those people! Now! with or without your help!" He quickly turned around and started walking away to which the shark smirked, he'd obviously never been talked back to like that before, yet this human showed no fear or evil desires in his heart when speaking his reasons.

    The shark begin to speak again, though Steven had given up listening, "I the avatar of the sea grant you my powers". The shark quickly nose dived straight into Steven's Back, being absorbed into him it would seem.

    "ugh what the hell happened to me?" Steven said as he stood up to find himself on the beach where the shark was, but it seemed different, for some reason the ocean seemed to sparkle happily as if it'd been waiting for him to arrive. It brought a smile to his face, he'd obviously collapsed and had one hell of a messed up dream, though he did feel different in a good way.

    He continued to walk along the beach, not once taking his eyes off the wide ocean, the waves seemingly following him as he walked... he had no time for such antics however, he really needed to find Leon and quickly.
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